Students will be given a basic kit (Elenco Electronics Playground, a $25 value included in class price) in order to get started. Yes, you KEEP the kit at the end of the course.
In this course, you try out a few directed experiments where we discuss and learn together. Each lesson shows you a new concept you can master and build knowledge, so you’ll be ready to tackle more advanced concepts later on your own. There are over 50 experiments, so you can do many more on your own after the course is over.
Your instructor will be Bob Phinney, K5TEC, a retired teacher with over 40 years experience teaching many courses including electronics, computer science, and amateur radio. Bob founded and directs New England Sci-Tech (NEST).
The introductory series consists of two 2-hr instructor-led class meetings, in person in Natick.
Students Free: This course is FREE for students in high school or younger by using the code ARISS22 when you check out from your shopping cart.