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HomeMorse Code Workshop

MORSE CODE - On-line Workshop

Are you a ham radio operator wanting to try your hand at Morse code? Or are you a Scout working toward a merit badge? Are you preparing for emergency communications under extreme conditions? Let New England Sci-Tech help you learn to copy and send all the letters and numbers. Plus we will cover common punctuation marks and a few procedural signals, also known as prosigns (SOS, for example).


Amateur radio (or “ham radio”) is used by people all over the world to communicate over radio waves. Some people use ham radio for emergency preparedness or to provide communications support for community events. Many report on severe weather and natural disasters. Or they use it as a social activity, and even occasionally to contact crew members on the International Space Station!


ONLINE Course by Zoom

Beginner Level – This is a condensed Morse code course with only six 1-hour lessons! Appropriate for children in 5th grade and up. Adults without children and children without adults are welcome. Up to 3 members of the same household can take the course for a single fee.


This course is FREE for members and for anyone who has taken any of our three radio license courses. (If you took a course, register in the member category.)


Students Free: This course is FREE for students in high school or younger, or if you took a radio license course with us, by using the code ARISS22 when you check out from your shopping cart.  


This is a LIVE course taught via Zoom by a real teacher, not a video or audio tape. Therefore, you will learn much more with this interactive method. You will need a commitment to practice between class meetings, but we’ll give you some tried and true ideas for making practice fun and easy.


No code key is required: But sending code is an excellent way to practice what you've learned, so we recommend that you acquire a practice oscillator and key.
– New England Sci-Tech offers a very simple and inexpensive code practice oscillator in kit form (soldering required) or pre-assembled.
– We also like the ARRL Morse Code Oscillator Kit.
– Another option is the MFJ Enterprises' self-contained practice oscillator/key, available from a number of suppliers.





System Requirements: Computer or Chromebook capable of running ZOOM Meeting, either by Zoom app or through a browser, a camera/mic.


Included with course fee: FREE access to our weekly Online Radio Shop Talk sessions and a guest pass to the Sci-Tech Radio Rooms and online radio club meetings for 3 months.


Look for the Course Info Mailing: A day or so before the session we will send an email with a Zoom link and instructions. If you don’t see the email, check your spam filter. If you still don’t see it, call or email us.


Get your ham radio license: We offer classes for all three levels of ham radio licenses: Technician, General, Amateur Extra, as well as Morse Code.


Please be aware of our Cancellation and Refund Policies. For questions, e-mail or call 508-720-4179.